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Structure Work Hardening Effect HYCRASH

HYCRASH Features

HYCRASH Features

Calculate the thickness and plastic strain for a formed sheet metal from an existing crash simulation model. The result will be the initial conditions for LS-DYNA simulation.

The effect of residual strain distribution and non-uniform thickness due to sheet metal forming - the manufacture process for most of the automotive parts for crash energy absorption - is well known as one of the most affecting factors for correlations between analysis and tests. So that some tries are carried out to calculate the initial strain and thickness before the crash/strength analysis.

Usually, the element size for crash analysis and metal forming analysis are different due to their difference in geometrical information (R size etc.), so after forming analysis, stress, strains, and thickness are mapped to the structural analysis.

However, this process costs pretty much and not very effective. Moreover, the information of die geometry is required for the forming analysis, which usually doesn't exists in structural analysis phase.

How does HYCRASH work?

To overcome this, JSOL Corp. has developed "HYCRASH", easy-to-use one step solver. HYCRASH only requires the panels' geometry to calculate manufacturing process effect, geometry of die are not necessary. Additionally, as this is target to usage of crash/strength analysis, even forming analysis data is not needed. If only crash/strength analysis data exists and panel ids is defined. HYCRASH extract panels to calculate it's strain, thickness, and map them to the original data.

How does HYCRASH work? What is the advantage of HYCRASH?

HYCRASH Execution process

The good points of HYCRASH are,
- Only part geometry is required; die geometry, holder force are not needed.
- Special skill for forming analysis I not required. Only crash data is needed.
- Very quick calculation time; a few minutes to a few ten minutes in Windows desktop computer.

  Incremental HYCRASH
Die geometry Required Non required
Forming analysis data construction Required Non required
CalculationTime A few hours ~a few ten minutes
Mapping physical variables Required Non required
Accuracy High enough

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  • *LS-DYNA is a registered trademark of Livermore Software Technology, LLC, United States.
  • *HYSTAMP is a registered trademark of JSOL Corporation.
  • *HYCRASH is a registered trademark of JSOL Corporation.
  • *Some models posted on this site are provided by NCAC/GWU.
  • *Product names and service names are the trademarks or the registered trademarks of their proprietors.

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