
Seminar & Event セミナー・イベント


Users’ Conference
The 2023 THUMS® Users' Meeting Japan

2022/10/1 AM0:00 〜 AM9:00 セミナーシステムメンテナンスに伴うサービス停止のお知らせ

人体傷害解析モデルTHUMS®(Total Human Model for Safety)の最新情報や活用事例・ノウハウなどの情報共有、そして国内外のユーザーの皆様の技術交流を目的として、The 2023 THUMS® Users' Meeting Japanを開催いたします。





セミナー名称 The 2023 THUMS® Users' Meeting Japan
開催日時 2023/3/30(木)13:00 〜(受付開始 12:30 〜)
開催場所 九段会館テラス  コンファレンス&バンケット
〒102-0074 東京都千代田区九段南1-6-5 九段会館テラス 3F[map
  • THUMS®をご利用中の方
  • THUMS®にご興味がある方
参加費用 無料(事前申し込み制)
定員 50名
申込み締切 2023/3/23(木)
主催 株式会社 JSOL


Introduction of THUMS® Version 7 for Simulation of Vehicle Occupant Kinematics and Injuries in Reclined Posture
先進モビリティシステム開発部 ヒューマン&ライフ統合技術室
小林 直矢 様
A whole body human model, THUMS Version 7, has been developed to accurately predict the interaction between the pelvis and lap belt of a reclining occupant and injuries to organs and the lumbar spine. The structure and characteristics of the small intestine (intestinal tract, mesentery, blood vessels) and the spine (intervertebral discs, ligaments) were modeled in detail. The prediction accuracy of the model for each component characteristics and whole body kinematics and injuries during frontal impact sled were validated by using PMHS test data.
Validation Procedure for a Sled Simulation Model to be used for HBM-based Virtual Testing
Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt)
Passive Vehicle Safety, Biomechanics, Researcher
Dr. Andre Eggers
The main objective is to present proposals and guidelines developed within the EC-funded project OSCCAR (FUTURE OCCUPANT SAFETY FOR CRASHES IN CARS) to define a process to certify sled simulation models to be used in an HBM-based VT (Virtual Testing) procedure for assessment of occupant safety also applicable to new load cases of accident scenarios and interior concepts originating autonomous vehicles. A procedure consisting of three phases is outlined in a flowchart and explained in detail.
Furthermore, requirements for an appropriate occupant validation device were identified. Ideas how to address scatter to define reasonable simulation model admittance criteria are discussed. Proposals are shown how to consider scatter originating from the real test procedure itself, the validation device (ATD) and vehicle environment components in a similar way like it has to be considered today within real-testing-based assessment procedures.
Finally, the concepts and recommendations provided in this paper shall serve as foundation for future standardisation activities and implementation in regulatory or consumer testing.
Sensitivities in Occupant Safety Simulations with Human-Body-Models
Vehicle Safety Department, Requirements&Strategy, Senior Expert Biomechanics, Consumer Rating
Mr. Philipp Wernicke
Human Body Models are becoming increasingly important in the world of occupant safety. However, many questions remain regarding their detailed application, both in terms of how the HBM interacts with its environment and what is defined within the HBM.
For example, it is still unclear what friction value should be used between the shoulder belt and the HBM skin in a Farside load case. In order to overview this friction value sensitivity, a parameter study was set up in which several HBMs were examined in the Forman et al. PMHS study. Each HBM showed an individual friction sensitivity in relation to its respective head deflection.
However, in addition to this environmental sensitivity, HBM-internal variations also play an important role. A variation of the spine position has a considerable influence on the loads acting on the spine at the end. Appropriate parameter studies have also been set up for this purpose, and further findings are currently being developed as part of an ongoing TUC task force. Finally, parameter studies offer interesting insights into the sensitivity behavior of models, but at the same time they are computationally expensive, i.e. in terms of the number of simulations (memory space) and high computing times. An alternative is the so-called model reduction from the world of AI, where computation times and complexities can be reduced with the help of mathematical reduction and approximation methods.
Development of Human Body Models Based on X-ray Data for Human Skeletal Alignment in Seated Postures and Analysis of Occupant Kinematics in Frontal Collisions
車両開発本部 衝突性能開発部
泉山 朋大 様
Abdominal injuries were focused in this study because it is likely to lead to serious injuries in real-world collisions due to the wounds sustained by the small intestine and mesentery. To reveal the mechanism of abdomen injuries caused by submarining, X-ray data of human skeletal alignments, pelvic orientations and seatbelt positions for volunteers were obtained and individual variabilities of those factors were measured. Furthermore, the difference between normal driving posture and reclined posture on skeletal alignments and pelvic orientations was analyzed. Based on these data, the skeletal alignment of THUMS ver4.02 was modified and the models with different alignment types or seating postures were created. Using those HBMs, occupant kinematics and correlations between skeletal alignment, seating posture and abdominal injuries in frontal collisions were researched.
Biomechanical responses of human FE models in bookshelf overturning
社会安全学部 教授
伊藤 大輔 様
The purpose of this study is to clarify the mechanical responses of the human body caused by falling a bookshelf using THUMS AM50 and AM95. The effects of the impact location of a bookshelf on the supine human body on the deformation of the head and chest were analyzed by performing impact simulations with THUMS and a bookshelf FE model. When the impact position was changed in the human vertical direction, the contact between the head and the bookshelf affected the load response. When the impact position was changed in the human left-right direction, the peak force was almost the same, while the effective mass calculated from the impulse was smaller in the case of impact with the tip of the bookshelf.
Applications of THUMS® for assessment of injury during sports and daily activities
岡村 昌浩
THUMS has been improved over the past 20 years and is widely used in the field of automotive crash safety, especially in the areas of occupant safety and pedestrian protection. In the current trend of virtual development, cost reduction and shorter time-to-market through simulation technology are becoming more common. Since experiments using the human body are particularly difficult, great expectations are placed on the mechanical response to external forces provided by THUMS, one of the most detailed human body models available. In this presentation, examples of various injury simulations in sports and daily life using THUMS will be presented.


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株式会社JSOL エンジニアリング事業本部



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